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Luxor Test Directory

Order CodeTest NameSpecimen SourceCPT
CH852Pap w/ Reflex to HPV genotypePap Vial88175
CH798Lupus Anticoagulant Eval w/reflexPlasma85613, 85730
HI09ENFD-AM1Biopsy88305, 88313, 88314, 88342, 88356
HI04Morphometric analysisBiopsy88356
HI03Immhist/cyt stainBiopsy88342
HI02Level IV Surg PathBiopsy88305
HI01ENFD-1Biopsy88305, 88314, 88342, 88356
CH782SurePath PapGynecological sample88175
CH755Cystic Fibrosis (CF) ScreenWhole blood81220
CH735Epstein-Barr Virus Early Antigen D AB IgGSerum86663
CH728Haemophilus Influenzae Type B AntibodySerum86684
CH714Bordetella Pertussis AntibodiesSerum86615 x2
CH614Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Antibody PASerum86631 x6, 86632 x3
CH491Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) PhenotypeSerum82104
CH489HLA-B27Whole blood81374
CH483ThinPrep PapGynecological sample88175
CH469Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Mutation AnalysisWhole blood81256
CH462Mycoplasma pneumoniae Ab (IgG)Serum86738
CH461Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibodies (IgG, IgM)Serum86738x2
CH401Tetanus AntitoxoidSerum86774
CH399Schistosoma Ab IgG, FMISerum86682
CH376JAK2 V617F MutationWhole blood81270
CH322Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody (IgM)Serum86787
CH321Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody (IgG)Serum86787
CH305Syphilis Antibody Reflex RPRSerum86780
CH300RPR w/Reflex to TiterSerum86592
CH299RMSF IgG/IGM AbSerum86757x2
CH287Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody PanelSerum86664, 86665x2
CH255Rubella Antibodies IgGSerum86762
CH252Mononucleosis Ab IgM, QualSerum86308
CH250Measles (Rubeola) IgGSerum86735
CH249Lyme Disease Ab w/Reflex to Immunoblot (IgG IgM)Serum86618x2
CH248Lyme IgG/IgM AbSerum86618
CH182Syphilis AbSerum, Plasma86592
CH151Hep B surface AntigenSerum, Plasma87340
CH114Hepatitis C AbSerum, Plasma86803
CH113Hep B core Antibody IgMSerum, Plasma86705
CH111Hepatitis A IgM AbSerum, Plasma86709
CA002Fibrinogen ActivityPlasma85384