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Luxor Test Directory

Order CodeTest NameSpecimen SourceCPT
CH852Pap w/ Reflex to HPV genotypePap Vial88175
SC0021OWLiver® PanelSerum0344U
POC03Rapid StrepThroat Swab87880
POC02Rapid FluNP, Nasal Swab87804
POC01Rapid SARS-CoV-2NP, Nasal Swab87426
ORP50Strep ScreeneSwab87051
HI09ENFD-AM1Biopsy88305, 88313, 88314, 88342, 88356
HI04Morphometric analysisBiopsy88356
HI03Immhist/cyt stainBiopsy88342
HI02Level IV Surg PathBiopsy88305
HI01ENFD-1Biopsy88305, 88314, 88342, 88356
CH782SurePath PapGynecological sample88175
CH755Cystic Fibrosis (CF) ScreenWhole blood81220
CH750CA 27.29Serum86300
CH494HCV FibrosureSerum81596
CH491Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) PhenotypeSerum82104
CH489HLA-B27Whole blood81374
CH483ThinPrep PapGynecological sample88175
CH469Hereditary Hemochromatosis DNA Mutation AnalysisWhole blood81256
CH376JAK2 V617F MutationWhole blood81270
CH222Carcinoembryonic AntigenSerum82378
CH219CA 19-9Serum86301
CH218Cancer Antigen 15-3Serum86300
CH208Aldolase, SerumSerum82085
CH102AlbuminSerum, Plasma82040
CH009Acute Hepatitis PanelSerum, Plasma80074
CA125CA 125Serum86304